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  • Visit our Plant Centre.

    Our large 7 hectare park like garden includes one of the world’s finest collections of rhododendrons and azaleas.
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    Our large 7 hectare park like garden includes one of the world’s finest collections of rhododendrons and azaleas.

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Cross Hills Gardens Country Fair

Saturday 16th Nov 2024

339 Rangiwahia Road
RD 54
Kimbolton 4774
New Zealand

P. 0800 746 367 or 06 3285 797

Learn more

Garden Country Fair

Saturday 16th Nov 2024

339 Rangiwahia Road
RD 54
Kimbolton 4774
New Zealand

P. 0800 746 367 or 06 3285 797

Opening times

365 Days

Nursery & Plant Centre

7 Days a week from Sunday 9th June 2024

Monday- Friday -10.30am - 5pm 

Saturdays 1pm - 5pm 

Sundays 10.30am - 5pm 

Garden Café
Catering is available for pre-booked groups only, subject to availability, please contact our office to discuss.

Where to find us

339 Rangiwahia Road
RD 54
Kimbolton 4774
New Zealand

Contact us

P. 06 328 5797
E. office@crosshills.co.nz

Cross Hills Gardens & Nursery ©2022

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