Mid season. .5m (specie) Suitable for container. This variety tolerates both colder and warmer climates. This is a plant for every garden. It is hardy, slow growing, very compact and has excellent foliage with unique indumentum. It has a thick layer of fawn felting and the new foliage has a white layer of tomentum on it - an interesting feature of this very different species. Give this plant pride of place for each year its impact is quite impressive. The flowers open pink becoming white and smother the whole bush.
365 Days
Nursery & Plant Centre
7 Days a week from Sunday 9th June 2024
Monday- Friday -10.30am - 5pm
Saturdays 1pm - 5pm
Sundays 10.30am - 5pm
Garden Café
Catering is available for pre-booked groups only, subject to availability, please contact our office to discuss.
339 Rangiwahia Road
RD 54
Kimbolton 4774
New Zealand
P. 06 328 5797
E. office@crosshills.co.nz
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